Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My newest book is now available at

You can now order this book in KINDLE and Paperback.  90 Chapters  and 417 pages.

I tried to answer every question about the return of Christ and judgement that will come from God on the nations of the world. 
Why Israel is so important to God..

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

In My Opinion
It is not about a flag but the moral conscience of America
By Dr. David N. Smeltz
As we were driving, back from the Veterans Hospital today a truck went racing by us with a Confederate Flag attached to its bed. The Lord begin to speak to me about our situation here in America and what I am about to say I am sure will get someone upset with me and they might even call me a racist.
The Confederate flag has nothing to do with racism, it represents a time in our history when the north and the south differed in their opinion toward slavery. The following is an important time line of this four-year war.
October 16–18, 1859
John Brown, in an attempt to amass arms for a slave insurrection, attacks the federal armory and arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
December 2, 1859
Brown is hanged for murder and treason at Charles Town, Virginia.
November 6, 1860
Abraham Lincoln is elected President, with Hannibal Hamlin as his Vice President.
December 20, 1860
As a consequence of Lincoln’s election, a special convention of the South Carolina legislature votes to secede from the Union.
January 9, 1861
Star of the West, an unarmed merchant vessel secretly carrying federal troops and supplies to Fort Sumter, was fired upon by South Carolina artillery at the entrance to Charleston harbor.
January 9–February 1
Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas follow South Carolina’s lead and secede from the Union.
January 29
Kansas is admitted as a state with a constitution prohibiting slavery.
Delegates from six seceded states meet in Montgomery, Alabama, to form a government and elect Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States of America.
March 4
Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the sixteenth President of the United States.
April 12–13
Fort Sumter is bombarded and surrenders to South Carolina troops led by P. G. T. Beauregard.
February 6, 1862
General Ulysses S. Grant captures Fort Henry, Tennessee. Ten days later he accepts the “unconditional and immediate surrender” of Fort Donelson. These victories open up the state of Tennessee for Union advancement.
March 9, 1862
The ironclads USS Monitor and CSS Virginia (formerly the sunken USS Merrimack, which the Confederates had raised from the Norfolk Navy Yard and rebuilt as an ironclad) battle to a draw at Hampton Roads, Virginia, demonstrating the superior potential of vessels made of steel.
April 4
On the peninsula southeast of Richmond, McClellan leads the Army of the Potomac toward Yorktown, Virginia, beginning the Peninsular Campaign.
April 6–7
Union General Ulysses S. Grant prevails at the Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee, but not without enormous losses.
April 16
Conscription is adopted in the Confederacy.
April 25
Federal fleet commander David G. Farragut captures New Orleans.
May 8
Stonewall Jackson’s Shenandoah Valley campaign begins successfully with a victory at the Battle of McDowell in Virginia.
May 31–June 1
During the Battle of Seven Pines in Virginia, Robert E. Lee takes over command of the Confederate army from the wounded Joseph E. Johnston.
June 25–July 1
Lee forces McClellan’s army to retreat, ending the threat to Richmond in the Seven Days’ campaign.
August 20
Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune publishes The Prayer of Twenty Millions, a plea for Lincoln to liberate slaves in the Union.
August 29–30
The South is again victorious at the Second Battle of Manassas.
September 17
The Battle of Antietam, Maryland, exacts heavy losses on both sides.
September 22
President Lincoln issues the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.
November 7
General McClellan receives Lincoln’s order relieving him of command of the Army of the Potomac.
December 13
Lee wins the Battle of Fredericksburg decisively.
January 1, 1863
Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation, which declares that slaves in the seceded states are now free.
March 3
President Lincoln signs a federal draft act.
April 7
In a test of ironclad vessels against land fortifications, Union Admiral Samuel F. Du Pont’s fleet fails to penetrate the harbor defenses of Charleston.
May 1–4
Lee hands the Army of the Potomac another serious loss at the Battle of Chancellorsville. “Stonewall” Jackson is wounded during the battle. He will develop pneumonia and die on May 10.
June 9
Confederate cavalry under Jeb Stuart clash with the Union mounts of Alfred Pleasonton in an all day battle at Brandy Station, Virginia. Some 18,000 troopers—approximately nine thousand on either side—take part, making this the largest cavalry battle on American soil. In the end, Stuart will hold the field. Yet this battle signals the rise and future domination of Union cavalry in the eastern theater.
July 1–3
The Battle of Gettysburg is fought in Pennsylvania. General George G. Meade compromises his victory by allowing Lee to retreat South across the Potomac.
July 4
After a long siege, Confederates surrender Vicksburg to Ulysses S. Grant, thus securing the Mississippi River for the Union.
July 13–15
Violent riots erupt in New York City in protest of the draft.
September 19–20
Confederates under General Braxton Bragg win a great tactical victory at Chickamauga, Georgia. Union General George H. Thomas wins the nickname "Rock of Chickamauga" for his stubborn defense of his position.
November 19
Lincoln delivers his Gettysburg Address, in which he reiterates the nation’s fundamental principle that all men are created equal.
November 23–25
After three days of battle, the Union victory at Chattanooga, Tennessee, opens the way for Union advancement into the heart of the Confederacy.
March 10, 1864
Newly commissioned to the rank of lieutenant general, Ulysses S. Grant is given official authority to command all of the armies of the United States.
May 5–6
The Battle of the Wilderness in Virginia is the first of a bloody series of month-long engagements between Grant and Lee.
May 10–12
Battles at Spotsylvania Court House and Yellow Tavern impede Grant’s drive for Richmond. Confederate cavalry commander Jeb Stuart is killed at Yellow Tavern, May 11.
June 1–3
The Battle of Cold Harbor results in heavy Union casualties. Grant prepares for a ten month siege of Petersburg.
June 19
The USS Kearsarge sinks the CSS Alabama off Cherbourg, France, where the Confederate raider was bound for refitting.
June 28
Lincoln signs a bill repealing the fugitive slave laws.
July 11–12
Confederate forces under Jubal Early probe and fire upon the northern defenses of Washington, D.C., throwing the Capital into a state of high alert.
August 5
Union Admiral David G. Farragut wins the Battle of Mobile Bay.
September 2
After forcing the Confederate army of John Bell Hood out of Atlanta, Georgia, General William T. Sherman captures the city, a major munitions center for the South.
October 19
A Union victory at Cedar Creek ends the Confederate threat in the Shenandoah Valley.
November 8
Lincoln is reelected President, with Andrew Johnson as Vice President.
November 16
Sherman leaves Atlanta and begins his “march to the sea,” in an attempt to demoralize the South and hasten surrender.
December 15–16
General George Henry Thomas wins the Battle of Nashville, decimating John Bell Hood's Confederate Army of Tennessee.
December 21
Savannah falls to Sherman’s army without resistance. Sherman gives the city to Lincoln as a Christmas present.
January 31, 1865
Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolishes slavery throughout the United States.
February 17
Columbia, South Carolina, is almost completely destroyed by fire, most likely set by Sherman’s troops.
March 4
Lincoln is inaugurated as President for a second term.
March 29
The Appomattox campaign begins, with Grant’s move against Lee’s defenses at Petersburg, Virginia.
April 2
Petersburg falls, and the Confederate government evacuates its capital, Richmond. Confederate corps commander Ambrose Powell Hill is killed in action while attempting to rally his men.
April 3
Union troops occupy Richmond.
April 9
Robert E. Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to Grant at Appomattox.
April 14
John Wilkes Booth shoots President Lincoln at Ford’s Theater; Secretary of State William H. Seward is stabbed and wounded in an assassination attempt inside his Washington home.
April 15
Lincoln dies, and Andrew Johnson is inaugurated as President.
April 26
Joseph E. Johnston surrenders to William T. Sherman in North Carolina; John Wilkes Booth is shot in a barn in Virginia and dies.
May 10
Jefferson Davis is captured and taken prisoner near Irwinville, Georgia.
May 26
In New Orleans, terms of surrender are offered to General E. Kirby Smith, commander of the Trans-Mississippi Department. His acceptance on June 2 formally ends Confederate resistance.
June 30
All eight conspirators are convicted for the assassination of President Lincoln; four are sentenced to death.
The beginning of the war the Northern states had a combined population of 22 million people. The Southern states had a combined population of about 9 million. This disparity was reflected in the size of the armies in the field. The Union forces outnumbered the Confederates roughly two to one.
United States Army consisted of 2,128,948 Soldiers
The Confederate Army consisted of 1,082,119 Soldiers
The total death toll was 620,000 men died in the Civil War while 644,000 thousand have died in all wars up to the Gulf War.
The following states succeeded from the Union.
South Carolina - December 20, 1860
Mississippi - January 9, 1861
Florida - January 10, 1861
Alabama - January 11, 1861
Georgia - January 19, 1861
Louisiana - January 26, 1861
Texas - February 1, 1861
Virginia - April 17, 1861
Arkansas - May 6, 1861
North Carolina - May 20, 1861
Tennessee - June 8, 1861
The question has been asked was the succession legal?
No, although it was not ruled illegal until after the war. This was a complex question at the time, with able legal minds to be found arguing both sides, but the United States Supreme Court, in Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868), determined that secession was unconstitutional. Chief Justice Salmon Chase wrote in his majority opinion that, "The ordinance of secession...and all the acts of legislature intended to give effect to that ordinance, were absolutely null. They were utterly without operation in law."
The Civil War started because of the lack of compromise some believe. While many still debate the ultimate causes of the Civil War, Pulitzer Prize-winning author James McPherson writes that, "The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. When Abraham Lincoln won election in 1860 as the first Republican president on a platform pledging to keep slavery out of the territories, seven slave states in the deep South seceded and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. The incoming Lincoln administration and most of the Northern people refused to recognize the legitimacy of secession. They feared that it would discredit democracy and create a fatal precedent that would eventually fragment the no-longer United States into several small, squabbling countries."
Actually, Lincoln started when he took the stand he took. The President has a lot of power and when one takes advantage of the power, they create a quagmire. Lincoln was a great president but probably moved too quickly. Over 600,000 died, for what. Here it is 2015 and we are still at war. The answer to the problem is cultural differences.
When looking back we find the following statistics:
With the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862, African-Americans - both free and runaway slaves - came forward to volunteer for the Union cause in substantial numbers. Beginning in October, approximately 180,000 African-Americans, comprising 163 units, served in the U.S. Army and 18,000 in the Navy. That month, the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers repulsed a Confederate attack at Island Mound, Missouri. Men of the U.S.C.T. (United States Colored Troops) units went on to distinguish themselves on battlefields east and west - at Port Hudson, Louisiana; Honey Springs, Oklahoma; Fort Wagner, South Carolina; New Market Heights, Virginia. African Americans constituted 10% of the entire Union Army by the end of the war, and nearly 40,000 died over the course of the war.
In 1860, the Black population was 19% of the USA. In 2015, it was 12.6% of the USA population. Today the latest stats tell us we have 38,929,319 African Americans in the USA. Hispanic population is 17.1% with 77.7% Whites in America.
The major problem we are having in America is cultural differences. Much of African history is known through ORAL TRADITION. Folk tales passed down through the generations on the African continent were similarly dispatched in African American communities. Some did learn the written word. Poet and slave PHILLIS WHEATLEY is still studied. Her writings vividly depict the slave experience on the eve of the American Revolution.
Many devout British colonists saw CONVERSION of slaves to Christianity as a divine duty. Consequently, the Christian religion was widely adopted by slaves. The practice of Christianity by slaves differed from white Christians. Musical traditions drew from rhythmic African and melodic European models. The religious beliefs of many African tribes merged with elements of Christianity to form VOODOO. Spirituals also demonstrate this merger.
Despite laws regulating slave literacy, African Americans learned many elements of the English language out of sheer necessity. Since the planters' children were often raised by slaves, their dialects, values and customs were often transmitted back. This reflexive relationship is typical of cultural fusion throughout American history. Most African Americans are tribal and this is why it has been so hard for the majority to adapt to the White man culture. Many are blaming the White man for the cultural changes they need to make and refuse to make. Being tribal, they follow the customs that developed years ago. Clothing and hairstyles changed because of trying to fit in with the White man. Music, athletic ability and domination are part of their tribal character. Poverty has followed the Black populace and dependency on the White man leads back to the years of slavery. Even though African Americans have struggled, they have had every opportunity to better themselves. Over the years, complete communities were rebuilt and after a short period, they returned to their original status. Education was offered and through the 1960’s and 70’s integration allowed White and Black to attend the same schools. Those who lived in the projects were bused to other schools and before long; many of those schools were turned into ghetto type schools, pulling down the White children in the school. This movement brought about the Christian School movement, which began to strive with White children and parents pulling their children out of the public school. The government and social services took over the Public School and the scores dropped, standards, morals changed. When the government withdrew prayer from the public, educational system there was a mass exit to private education. The government came down hard on the Christian School and the IRS and other government agencies falsified documents and closed many of them down. By the late 70’s churches were withdrawing from the government and new movement was formed. Some churches refused to recognize the government and refused to pay any taxes, get a driver’s license or marriage license. This group was led by Independent Baptist who demonstrated and were bodily carried out of churches. The public education system continued to decline while the Christian School movement grew and many of these schools grew to incredible size. Bible colleges were started and a man name Jerry Falwell started a group called the Moral Majority. Falwell an Independent Baptist used the pulpit to motivate the Christians and stand against the liberal movement. He had started a college in 1972 and by 1980; “Liberty University” was in the making. President Ronald Regan could give credit to his election because of the influence of Falwell and Moral Majority. The Regan years were good our country prospered the African American Community had made some changes. The Arthur Mc Duffie riots in Miami, Florida took place. Throughout the 80’s Miami, New York, and Washington DC was the focal point of riots. The world was changing and over 10 years 46 riots took place around the world. The big change took place during the Clinton years. Clinton could be called the first Black President even though he was not Black. . He brought disgrace to the White House and motivated the Black community. In his years in office, he provided the most for the Black community and this is why he is revered. Hillary Clinton is trying to follow her husband.
When Obama became president, he was the Black’s Saviour. He was the fulfillment of Martin Luther King dream. The Black community was expecting a lot more out of Obama then they got. Instead, they got the homosexual movement, the highest unemployment in Black America in years, Social programs that do not work riots and killing of the highest degree in years. Racism is back on the climb and he has motivated young Black leaders to attack the White populace. The country is on the verge of civil war.
In the last few days, the attack has been on the Confederate flag when the real issue is the moral conscience of America is under attack.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

In My Opinion

In my Opinion
Dr, David N. Smeltz
The Snookered People
We sometimes have to do what we do not want to do. Life is full of surprises and some things that happen are not always a surprise, but the result of sin. People continue to sin and expect no condemnation or punishment for the crimes they commit. The Bible says, "Beware your sins will find you out.. or follow you." Family members who support children who sin reap the results of the sin. Most of the time the pain is mental not physical. Years ago I heard a preacher say, "Don't cause your children to sin by excusing their sin."
I talked with a individual today who counsels people who are dependent upon drugs, sex and anything that gives them a high. Most of these individuals grew up in dysfunctional homes with little guidance and free to do anything they want. These homes were not always people who lived in poverty, many were middle class Americas, and be assured the wealthy were involved. We have the notion that most crime comes from the poverty stricken areas yet my friends that is not true. If you only knew what takes place in upper class America. Just look at Bill Clinton, God only knows the number of woman he has been with and orgies he attended. Someone might as the question why Hillary put up with this. No decent respectable woman would allow her husband to do what Bill Clinton has done. I would almost think there must be something wrong or unethical with Hillary. Rumors are, she could be a lesbian or just not into being a wife. Behind those beady eyes that are always roaming and cannot look at you is a living lie. Americans were snookered when they elected Obama, do you actually think this reprobate of a woman who has lied to the American people will get away with making it to the White House.
Liars seem to be plentiful in Washington and loyalties could come to an end, as individuals are prosecuted. People could start spilling the beans as their name comes up.. Nixon actually thought he was untouchable, and was taken by surprize. Obama thinks he is untouchable, and so does Hillary and Bill. They have bought off people, and people have disappeared who were close to them or knew something about them. The Clintons have the money and power to snooker the American people. Wake up America and see the handwriting on the wall.
Why is Clinton so quiet. Silence is golden and she has the tendency to stick her foot in her mouth. What she does not do, Bill will do it for her. Sooner or later it all is going to come to ahead. The American people who care need to continue to apply the pressure and make Hillary tell the truth, about e-mails and everything else. Obama, is so ignorant, and so out of touch, he does not know his head from his foot... and I think he is sitting on his foot where his brain is. OK folks, do you want to continue to be snookered, VOTE FOR HILLARY...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Black Power in AmericaBy David N Smeltz

The Black Power movement grew out of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT that had steadily gained momentum through the 1950s and 1960s. Although not a formal movement, the Black Power movement marked a turning point in black-white relations in the United States and also in how blacks saw themselves. The movement was hailed by some as a positive and proactive force aimed at helping blacks achieve full equality with whites, but it was reviled by others as a militant, sometimes violent faction whose primary goal was to drive a wedge between whites and blacks. In truth, the Black Power movement was a complex event that took place at a time when society and culture was being transformed throughout the United States, and its legacy reflects that complexity.
In the 1950s and early 1960s, groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the SOUTHERN CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE (SCLC) worked with blacks and whites to create a desegregated society and eliminate RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Their efforts generated positive responses from a broad spectrum of people across the country. Rev. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., who headed the SCLC, made significant headway with his adherence to nonviolent tactics. In 1964, President LYNDON B. JOHNSON signed the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT and a year later he signed the VOTING RIGHTS ACT.
CIVIL RIGHTS legislation was an earnest and effective step toward eliminating inequality between blacks and whites. Even with the obvious progress, however, the reality was that prejudice could not be legislated away. Blacks still faced lower wages than whites, higher crime rates in their neighborhoods, and unspoken but palpable racial discrimination. Young blacks in particular saw the civil rights movement as too mainstream to generate real social change. What they wanted was something that would accelerate the process and give blacks the same opportunities as whites, not just socially but also economically and politically. Perhaps more important, they felt that the civil rights movement was based more on white perceptions of civil rights than black perceptions.
Not all blacks had been equally impressed with the civil rights movement. MALCOLM X and the NATION OF ISLAM, for example, felt that racial self-determination was a critical and neglected element of true equality. By the mid-1960s, dissatisfaction with the pace of change was growing among blacks. The term "black power" had been around since the 1950s, but it was STOKELY CARMICHAEL, head of the STUDENT NONVIOLENT COORDINATING COMMITTEE (SNCC), who popularized the term in 1966.
Carmichael led a push to transform SNCC from a multiracial community activist organization into an all-black social change organization. Late in 1966, two young men, HUEY NEWTON and BOBBY SEALE, formed the BLACK PANTHER PARTY FOR SELF-DEFENSE (BPP), initially as a group to track incidents of police violence. Within a short time groups such as SNCC and BPP gained momentum, and by the late 1960s the Black Power movement had made a definite mark on American culture and society.
The Black Power movement instilled a sense of racial pride and self-esteem in blacks. Blacks were told that it was up to them to improve their lives. Black Power advocates encouraged blacks to form or join all-black political parties that could provide a formidable power base and offer a foundation for real socioeconomic progress. For years, the movement's leaders said, blacks had been trying to aspire to white ideals of what they should be. Now it was time for blacks to set their own agenda, putting their needs and aspirations first. An early step, in fact, was the replacement of the word "Negro" (a word associated with the years of SLAVERY) with "black."
The movement generated a number of positive developments. Probably the most noteworthy of these was its influence on black culture. For the first time, blacks in the United States were encouraged to acknowledge their African heritage. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES established black studies programs and black studies departments. Blacks who had grown up believing that they were descended from a backwards people now found out that African culture was as rich and diverse as any other, and they were encouraged to take pride in that heritage. The Black Arts movement, seen by some as connected to the Black Power movement flourished in the 1960s and 1970s. Young black poets, authors, and visual artists found their voices and shared those voices with others. Unlike earlier black arts movements such as the Harlem Renaissance, the new movement primarily sought out a black audience.
The same spirit of racial unity and pride that made the Black Power movement so dynamic also made it problematic—and to some, dangerous. Many whites, and a number of blacks, saw the movement as a black separatist organization bent on segregating blacks and whites and undoing the important work of the civil rights movement. There is no question that Black Power advocates had valid and pressing concerns. Blacks were still victims of racism, whether they were being charged a higher rate for a mortgage, getting paid less than a white coworker doing the same work, or facing violence at the hands of white racists. But the solutions that some Black Power leaders advocated seemed only to create new problems. Some, for example, suggested that blacks receive paramilitary training and carry guns to protect themselves. Though these individuals insisted this device was solely a means of SELF-DEFENSE and not a call to violence, it was still unnerving to think of armed civilians walking the streets.
Also, because the Black Power movement was never a formally organized movement, it had no central leadership, which meant that different organizations with divergent agendas often could not agree on the best course of action. The more radical groups accused the more mainstream groups of capitulating to whites, and the more mainstream accused the more radical of becoming too ready to use violence. By the 1970s, most of the formal organizations that had come into prominence with the Black Power movement, such as the SNCC and the Black Panthers, had all but disappeared.

The Black Power movement did not succeed in getting blacks to break away from white society and create a separate society. Nor did it help end discrimination or racism. It did, however, help provide some of the elements that were ultimately necessary for blacks and whites to gain a fuller understanding of each other. When Obama was elected he brought with him the hate and indignation he had for the White people. He was betwext on if he was White or Black. Because of this he chooses to be Black all the way and followed the Black communities and hung out in the hood. He was also caught between being a Muslim or whatever. He has never really found out who he is and this is why he is so indecisive. The strength of his family is found in his wife.. as she is Black and her culture is Black.. Obama is still trying to figure out who he is..Black or White...In a way he is like Moses as he grew up in a different culture yet he was more Black then White and was a Privileged Black. Actually born with a silver spoon his mouth.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Come out and be with me this Sunday. I will have my new book "Strangling of American Liberty" available.

Update on America In My Opinion

In My Opinion

Missionary Evangelist Dr David N Smeltz Posted April 28, 2015

Help is available for those who are willing to accept help
It is really a shame to hear Black leaders blame everything on White Police. I am sure there are cases where Police have stepped over the line. Let me ask you a question, "Have you ever looked into the barrel of a 45 cal or 9mil?" Have you ever had to face a man that was three times your size and had every desire to hurt you or kill you. I had the privilege of working for Old Dominion Job Corp many years ago as a part time teacher. Most of the students who attended came out of the projects and were Black. They were in your face type people and would threaten you. One teacher was found bludgeoned to death by someone. These kids from these projects are survivors, they will do anything to survive. Drugs and alcohol are there lives. Sex is all they talk about. Pornography they thrive on and they are taught to hate the white man. I have worked with this group of people served with them in the military and if you are White and they are in the majority you can expect to get attacked, beat up or even killed. Right here in a small town I live in, they have gangs and there are certain areas of town you do not want to go in. They call us races because we speak the truth. I do not know why people choose to do what they do. As a youngster I grew up in Hialeah Florida, a place today you do not want to be on the streets at night. The real problem in America is a lack of discipline and goals and character. When we had the draft, it built work ethic and some character in those who came from the more poverty areas. I have worked in the Public School System and the teacher hands are tied. These youngsters both Black and White can scream at you, call you names and even hit you and you better not hit them back. The psychologist, social workers, and liberals have destroyed the public education system. The school system in some areas can do nothing but socially promote these kids who most cannot even read. WE have tried to bus kids in from the projects and ghettos to schools where the educational standard was higher. Within a short time those school where in chaos and those kids that once studied end up following those who could care less about school. We can go on and on about what we have tried to do over the last fifty years and these project areas stay the same. The people from this area can move into another area of town and before long the area looks just like the area they moved out of. We can spend millions of dollars trying to help people but it is money thrown in a open sepulcher accomplishing nothing. Those who have managed to leave the area they grew up in and start a new life with a desire to be successful are the ones who have made it. What can one expect for a youngster to come from school catch his mother in the bed with another man, a father sitting on the couch drunk out of his mind, a sister on crack cocaine. Yelling and screaming in the house using language that is so guttered it would embarrass most people. I use to ask the kids at Old Dominion why they only had a thirty word vocabulary,, Many in these Black communities thinkno one understands and most cannot spell out the real problem. They are so tribal they have to follow the leader. It is really a shame that we have sunk to this level of living, when God has been so good to us. Maybe we should take all these kids in some real poverty and they would wake up. I would love to take a group of these kids, Guatamalia, Philippines or even indonesia I am sure they would come home different.. Pass this on for me...

In My Opinion
Missionary Evangelist Dr. David N. Smeltz
The Supreme Court is going to rule on same sex marriage as law of the land. The question is, what affect will this have on society. As you look back in history most of this started in the nineties. There are fourteen counties that now accept same sex marriage. The family is taking a hit with same sex marriage. The writers of the Constitution made it clear that a marriage was between a man and woman and this step will affect religious liberty. It is very clear this is not a Supreme Court decision, it is a constitutional amendment decision. The next step will follow is religious liberty is in jeopardy. Churches will be forced to accept gay couples and pastors will be forced to marry these Sodomites. It will become a hate crime to speak against homosexuality. Religious rights, freedom of speech are at stake. The big problem with this is: the family as the Bible defines it will no longer be accepted and defined as the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Looking head in time, those who accept this will move on to the next step, marriage between people and animals. Our founding fathers were led by the Bible to develope a balance between right and wrong. This new generation has changed our culture and we now are moving back to the dark ages. Law's are made to protect and bring order to society. Where the rule of law is so liberal and misrepresented you will have chaos that will lead to anarchy. You are seeing this in the riots that are taking place in Baltimore and other major cities. Rights that are determined by the people are leading to chaos and destruction of private property. This is why we have a court system, but when the system is so corrupt and self serving you have rebellion. Men like Al Sharpton and the president are redefining liberty for the advancement of their own agenda. The youth of America are rebelling because of what they are hearing at home and the media. Culture change has not taken place in the ghettos of America, and when you see no way out of where you are in society you can expect chaos. Looking at Black America you are seeing over 80% of Black children born out of wed lock. The father is not represented in the home. Many families the children have different fathers. Marriage is not sacred in the Black community and is making its way to the Whites. Most hispanics are Catholic, and take marriage serious. What do we expect when we leave our roots and become more barbaric. The Black community complains that they are mistreated and the law is not fair with them. Even when they have Black leadership in control the conditions worsen. The white man continues to be blamed and the real problem is the family is not a family but woman who are no more then baby makers. The President is pushing for money and intercity development. The real problem is once money is invested in these communities you have these riots that burn up business and homes. Why is that these riots are only taking place in ghetto communities controlled by Blacks. We are not seeing riots in Russian, Italian, Spanish and other communities. It is only in the Black communities where the people do not work, but riot and steal. Why is the prison system full of Blacks. Are you telling me that all of the Blacks in prison are not guilty? With what we have seen take place in Baltimore is not new, it has been going on since the emancipation of the Black Man. Look at Africa and all of the Black ruled world, there is chaos and famine and starvation and no rule of law. I have been trying to tell America this cultural and Tribal and the only way it is going to change is when the Black community leaders change and bring discipline to their own communities. A white man cannot be a Black man and a Black man cannot be a white man. Two different cultures with two different views on life. Both are going to have to live together and learn to get along, the White man cannot change, educate, or supply free living for the Black community, and that is done by using there own resources. America thought that Barrack Obama was going to bring the country together, yet under his leadership we are worse off then what we were six years ago. The country is more divided and at war within its self under his leadership. My question is this, Why is the white man expected to provide for a group a people who in majority do not want to change. Demonstration are not opinions but rebellion against society and the rule of law. Why can't people learn to get along? The answer is simple, where their is no God or supreme guidance you can expect anarchy. One final thought. What about all the liquor and drugs that were stolen last night, where are they today?

In My Opinion
Missionary Evangelist Dr. Evangelist David N Smeltz
False hope and False Prophet
If we are going to see revival in America it is going to take something catastrophic to bring people to there knees. Jeremiah 5:3 (KJV) O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return. The people seem to be agreeing with homosexuality, transgender, abortion and other perverted way of life. We have had 911, earthquakes, storms, floods, sickness and the people refuse to look to God. We have watched ISIS behead people and the American way continues. We have been warned by Israeli leaders, and the church has turned to theater and music and compromise. People seem to be blinded by false witnesses and have little guilt about the lifestyle they live.Jude 1:4 (KJV) For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Yesterday another big earthquake.. do the people not understand that this could happen here. How many warning do we have to get from God. Our government leaders continue to compromise and what one man has accomplished in six years has changed the view and direction of America. We are on a collision course, and I expect it will happen before the 2016 elections. To the believers it seems the only hope is the Rapture of the Church. I believe by 2016 the church will be under so much pressure we could see martyrdom of pastors and believers. All we can do is pray and seek the Lord. I hope you will find your way to church this morning. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

In My Opinion
Something to Think about
Evangelist Dave Smeltz
If you want to see, the values of the majority of America.. Watch Braxton Family Values, This program is as Black as you can get... WE come a long way in just six years... The Reality shows are as gross as you can get. Gay's homosexuals, perverts, real Sodomites. .No wonder America is going to hell in a handbag.
These people need Jesus, but I am sure they are not interested. How long Lord Jesus until you come. Come Quickly Lord Jesus. Watch out America when ISIS gets here they will kill all the perverts...and all those who refuse Islam. Qur'an (9:111) - "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme."
I don't think they are going to bargain with anyone. No more feminist, or Black marching in the streets for rights, the rule of law will be Sharia, If you don't like it die...
Obama is converting America to a Islamic nation! I have been teaching this in churches for 8 years... Look out folks and wake up America.
The U.S. military currently has 4,500 uniformed Muslims, the Pentagon said on
July 3. It was not clear how the Pentagon identified the Muslims. The department
has not given statistics on members of other religious faiths.
In 2009, a U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, shouting “God is great,”
opened fire and killed 13 of his colleagues. Later, authorities acknowledged
that Hasan, a psychiatrist, was linked to Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
Critics have accused the administration of promoting Islam as the
preferential faith in the United States. Over the last year, a senior
adviser to the Homeland Security Department, Mohamed Elibiary, issued a
statement that said the U.S. Constitution was “Islamically compliant” and
that a Muslim caliphate was “inevitable.”
“I said America was an Islamic country not a Muslim country,” Elibiary
said in a Twitter post on June 30.
On July 3, Work attended the annual Pentagon ceremony of Iftar, or the evening dinner after a day-long fast that continues throughout the Muslim month of Ramadan. The Pentagon has been conducting the ceremony since 1998 in commemoration of Islam.
“Tonight is an opportunity for people of different faiths to come
together in the spirit of respect and tolerance to share the richness of our
beliefs and to enjoy the traditions of hospitality that are such an
important part of the Muslim community,” Work said.
The Pentagon, which hired Saudi-sponsored groups to raise awareness, has
reported the employment of 1,000 Muslims. Officials said they included
civilians and contractors for the Defense Department.
In his address, Work quoted Obama as saying that Ramadan reminded Americans of the principles of peace, justice and equality. The deputy
secretary also urged those at the Iftar to remember their responsibility to
the defense of the United States.

The Refusal to Change
If you are not careful you can read everything on Facebook and become very angry. We are living in difficult times and so many people are angry. They have lost their nation, job, financial security and have left their God. 
The only way to change things, is for the people to return to God. If the nation does not return to God you can expect some retaliation. We wondering in the wilderness, and refusing to listen to our creator. The Sodomites continue the aggression and will not bow or bend. God could use one of the most evil forces (Islam) to break the back of America. You have the evil Clintons, Obama's and one of the most naive cabinet in our history. What do you think it is going to take to change the world..?????

Proverbs 17:11 (KJV)
11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
Jeremiah 28:16 (KJV)
16 Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD.
People must be aware, this is rebellion, open rebellion and will not end well. The rebellion is by people who have continued to rebel against the system... they want chaos.. they have know idea what they are fighting for.. they have no cause.. just open rebellion and everyone of them need to be in prison.. unless they are stopped they will continue until they destroy the city. The riots of 68 cause tremendous damage and this city has never recovered from it. Do you actually believe they will recover from this. This is not about Freddy Gray, it is total open rebellion with one answer, stop them now and take a stand against them. Yes, we are in the end of times and Jesus could come at any is still breaks my heart to see us go back to the sixties... but we are... Obama and Eric Holder have cause all of this. Electing a Black man who causes his own people harm is sickening. Friends only God can step in, this is just the beginning, and anarchy is on its way.

In My Opinion

People, listen, what you are seeing in Baltimore is planned. This is all part of the plan of Obama and his cronies. Listen to the leaders of the city. Listen to the mayor... the problem is, we are allowing thugs and people to rise above the law. You can't shoot them, because that will cause more riots. The Black community is out of control in Baltimore. The Black leaders cannot control their own people. This is a movement of the Nation of Islam. Read my book, "The Strangling of American Liberty" check out the Black Value system.. it will open your eyes.…/…/ref=sr_1_1…

I was just thinking,
Missionary Evangelist Dr. David N. Smeltz
In some areas of the United States they have accepted Sharia law (Islamic Law) Which says, the infidel or none believer is given three choices, Accept Allah and his messenger Muhammad, if not pay the Jizya (Tax), or be killed. I was thinking this morning maybe we should offer the Gays who are pushing their agenda on us three choices. Accept the precepts of an individuals belief, pay a one million dollar tax, or leave America. It should be a matter of choice if a person wants to serve another. Our Government is so hypocritical. What is your thoughts?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Church Growth

Missionary Evangelist Dr. David N and Susan Smeltz
Amazing Grace Missions
Eastern Europe, Asia and the World
Ukraine-Moldavia- Philippines-Cambodia-Vietnam
Reaching the world one soul at a time

Church Growth
By Dr. David N. Smeltz
Dear Pastors, Evangelist, Missionaries and Teachers,
This Easter Sunday of this year, I will celebrate forty-two years in the ministry.  I have served as an associate pastor, youth pastor, pastor, evangelist and missionary over these many years.  I have ministered in nine countries and well over a thousand churches in these forty-two years.  By the Grace of God, I have written twenty-one books and many articles. With all of this, I still believe there is room for learning and I surely have not arrived. I will be seventy years old this year and I am praying that our Lord will give me ten more years of ministry.  Over these many years, the Lord has showed me a few things that I would like to share with you.  The remarks I am about to make has nothing to do with me having an ax to grind. These are subjects and areas of ministry I think we can all glean from.
Why are many churches not growing?
1.         2 Timothy 4:5 (KJV)
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
            I see four thoughts that stand out in the verse.
                        a.         watch thou… The word (watch) is found 57 times in scripture
b.         endure affliction…The word endure is found 28 times in scripture. The word affliction is found 73 times.
c.         do work of evangelist..  The word evangelist is found twice and is found only in the New Testament.
d.         Make full proof of your ministry..  The word ministry is found 22 times in scripture.
I am sure all of us can agree First and Second Timothy are the Pastoral Epistles.  This verse is written to pastors and teachers.
1.         The pastor needs to watch his flock and see all of their needs.
How can a pastor do this when he is always on the golf course, doing evangelistic meetings, spending too much time on the mission field? Attending every fellowship meeting, he can preach at. What about visitation, soul winning, hospital calls, family time, study time and time for one’s self. Is not this watching the flock? 
The apostasy and looseness of the times we live in must make us the more watchful. Their falls must be our fears; their levity must quicken us to constancy, and their negligence must quicken our diligence in keeping the watch of the Lord. Good men desire the Church's good after their departure. Paul is dying, yet he commands Timothy to improve his talents for the Church's good when himself was dead. Moses, before he dies, prays the Lord to set up a fit ruler instead (Nu 28:16-17). Wicked men care not what becomes of the world, when they are dead and gone let heaven and earth come together, and all be in confusion, they care not. But good men have public spirits. The better the man, the more watchful must he be. The pirate sets on the laden ship, and the thief upon the wealthiest traveler. But we must watch as pastors too, and discover wolves that would destroy the flock.
John 21:16-17 (KJV)
16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep. Some men spend too much time worrying about the church down the street instead of caring for their own work.

2.         The pastor has to endure affliction. Affliction comes in many ways. 2 Corinthians 4:17 (KJV) 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; This verse contains the whole philosophy of the Christian view of affliction. It does not deny the reality of earthly sorrows or underrate their power, as did the Stoics; but after allowing them all their force, calmly says that they dwindle into insignificance when compared with the exceeding and eternal glory to which they lead. However, this applies only to believers, as appears by the next verse, ‘while we look,’ etc. Afflictions have a salutary operation, provided that we look at the things which are eternal.”  Sometimes our afflictions are excuses for not doing what the Lord has called us to do. As pastors we should not make excuses for our failures and laziness. We are called sent out to do the work of the Lord. He equips us and makes the way for us to go in. John 12:26 (KJV) 26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour. The term follow me is found 24 times in scripture. Who are we following, Christ or man? Why are we concerned about what man has to say? Are we appeasers of man or are we servants of God.  One of the problems I see in churches, they want to be too much like the world.. and they are competing with the world.
3.         Do the work of an evangelist.  An “announcing good news”). In a general sense this applies to anyone who proclaims the mercy and grace of God, especially as unfolded in the gospel; therefore preeminently to Christ, and the apostles whom He commissioned to preach the truth and establish His kingdom. It came, however, to be employed in the early church as the designation of a special class, as in the following enumeration: “And He [Christ] gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers” (Ephes. 4:11). This passage, accordingly, would lead us to think of them as standing between the two other groups—sent forth as missionary preachers of the gospel by the first, and as such preparing the way for the labors of the second. The same inference would seem to follow the occurrence of the word as applied to Philip (Acts 21:8). It follows from what has been said that the calling of the evangelist is the proclamation of the glad tidings to those who have not known them, rather than the instruction and pastoral care of those who have believed and been baptized. It follows also that the name denotes a work rather than an order. The evangelist might or might not be a bishop-elder or a deacon.
4.         Make full proof of your ministry
I would like to talk about this subject for a few minutes. This word "ministry" does not refer exclusively to what we are accustomed to call the Christian ministry, meaning the teaching and pastoral office in the Church. That is but one of ten thousand forms of ministration or service rendered to our fellows at the call of God. To minister to any one, is to help or serve him; and so every course of action by which we can help and serve others is a ministry, and every such service is truly a Christian work. And as we cannot all render the same service, but can each render particular kinds of service to particular people — relatives, friends or neighbors — that particular description of service which each of us can render is our "ministry." It is a ministry, the object of whose functions lies without us, in contrast to activities centered in self as their object. It is "thy ministry," because it is a particular form of helpful activity open to each, separately, to prosecute. Paul's was different from Timothy's, and neither has belonged to anybody since; nor will your ministry, or mine, ever be allotted to anybody else; for no one will be situated as We are, or have exactly our opportunities. In some respects, our ministry is like Timothy's and Paul's, it is directed to the same cause: the spread of Christ's truth and Christ's Church. We are summoned to it by the same Divine Lord to whom  we shall reader an account of its discharge; All the high, sublime elements, then, which belonged to their ministry or service in life, belong to ours, though ours may take less striking outward forms, and be rendered with no eye but God's to watch our performance of it. The sublime considerations, moving to fidelity in it, which Paul urged on Timothy, bear, then, on us. "I charge thee before God, make full proof of" — thoroughly fulfil — "thy ministry." What is fulfilling the ministry Titus 2:2 (KJV)  2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
Here we go men: The aged man that is most likely you and me. Look what Timothy says..
a.         sober: Calm and collected in spirit, temperate, dispassionate. We should not get discourage as easy as the younger man. Nothing should cause us to waver from the Word of God
b.         grave: To carve; to write or delineate on hard substances; to practice engraving. The aged man should be able to dig into the Word of God and find those special nuggets people need to hear about. His experience in life should make him keener.
c.         temperate: Self Control.. Being in control of your life is so important. Others are watching you. Your church, neighbors and friends are watching your every move. What kind of testimony do you have in your community? Do people come to your church because you care about  them.
d.         sound in faith: This is so important. Are you solid in the Word of God? Do you go with the crowd? Are you consistent? Do you show your people your faith. 2 Timothy 1:5 (KJV) 5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. Faith is seen and if we do not show people our faith, how will they believe. 
e.         Charity: Love for the people: 1 John 4:20 (KJV) 20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?  Pastors must have a real love for people. One of the things I have noticed, many are in the ministry for a paycheck, not for a love of people. Some of the finest men of God I have met are men with love for God and people. I have been in churches were the pastor is cold, stoic, condemning, jealous, and lacks compassion for anyone. Many of these churches are very small because the pastor has become hard after years of service and trials in the faith. To be very honest, I do not think I would want to attend the church.  I do not see anything wrong with a small church but, when the pastor does not go soul winning, visit the sick and give the church vision what can one expect.
We are living in difficult times and we can make all the excuses that one can make why our Fundamental Baptist Churches are not growing. We can change the name of the church and change the pulpit area. We can change the music and change the Bible we use, that is not going to change the church for the church is the people, the bride of Christ. The only way people change is through the Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 (KJV) 12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
f.          patience: Luke 8:15 (KJV)
15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Romans 5:3-4 (KJV)
3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: Romans 8:24 (KJV)
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?  
Waiting on the Lord and continuing in the faith is the answer. Philippians 4:11 (KJV)
11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

1 Timothy 4:8 (KJV)
8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 1 Timothy 6:8 (KJV)
8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
What can we do to get back on track?
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV)
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
Proverbs 14:25 (KJV)
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
We need to get back to preaching the Word, loving people, going soul winning and living a Holy life. I was sixty years old when I resigned my pastorate and went into Mission Evangelism. The decision I made then was right, I knew God had changed my direction… was it easy, NO.. was it Good, YES! ..Sometimes we need to stop and ask God, if we are in his will. Sometimes we stay to long and loose our effectiveness.. God knows our heart, the question is do we know God’s heart and direction for our life. If you are a pastor, be a pastor. If you are, an evangelist or missionary be an evangelist or missionary. . You can only do one job at a time if you want to do it successfully.
Many Christians are only "Christaholics" and not disciples at all. Disciples are cross-bearers; they seek Christ. Christaholics seek happiness. Disciples dare to discipline themselves, and the demands they place on themselves leave them enjoying the happiness of their growth. Christaholics are escapists looking for a shortcut to nirvana. Like drug addicts, they are trying to "bomb out" of their depressing world.
There is no automatic joy. Christ is not a happiness capsule; he is the way to the Father. But the way to the Father is not a carnival ride in which we sit and do nothing while we are whisked through various spiritual sensations.
Why Go Soul Winning?
Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV)
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
1.         It is commanded by Christ.
2.         It is the only way the church will grow.
3.         It is the only way they will hear the Word of God
4.         It is the only way they can get to be disciples.
Most of us when hearing or using the word "disciple" are likely to be reminded of the biblical Apostles. Their deepest wish was to emulate Christ. They made him their guide not just because they believed in his teachings but because of their love for him and his love for them. Without such a mutual love the Master's teaching and example, convincing though they were, would never have persuaded the disciples to change their lives and beliefs as radically as they did.

When Paul’s time had come to depart this earth and go to heaven, he was ready.
2 Timothy 4:6-7 (KJV)
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Have we fought the good fight or have we lost our vision and become lazy and comfortable?  I hope not and by God’s grace let us keep on until Jesus calls us home.
Blessings to all,
Dr. Dave Smeltz

Your Servant