Thursday, April 30, 2015

Update on America In My Opinion

In My Opinion

Missionary Evangelist Dr David N Smeltz Posted April 28, 2015

Help is available for those who are willing to accept help
It is really a shame to hear Black leaders blame everything on White Police. I am sure there are cases where Police have stepped over the line. Let me ask you a question, "Have you ever looked into the barrel of a 45 cal or 9mil?" Have you ever had to face a man that was three times your size and had every desire to hurt you or kill you. I had the privilege of working for Old Dominion Job Corp many years ago as a part time teacher. Most of the students who attended came out of the projects and were Black. They were in your face type people and would threaten you. One teacher was found bludgeoned to death by someone. These kids from these projects are survivors, they will do anything to survive. Drugs and alcohol are there lives. Sex is all they talk about. Pornography they thrive on and they are taught to hate the white man. I have worked with this group of people served with them in the military and if you are White and they are in the majority you can expect to get attacked, beat up or even killed. Right here in a small town I live in, they have gangs and there are certain areas of town you do not want to go in. They call us races because we speak the truth. I do not know why people choose to do what they do. As a youngster I grew up in Hialeah Florida, a place today you do not want to be on the streets at night. The real problem in America is a lack of discipline and goals and character. When we had the draft, it built work ethic and some character in those who came from the more poverty areas. I have worked in the Public School System and the teacher hands are tied. These youngsters both Black and White can scream at you, call you names and even hit you and you better not hit them back. The psychologist, social workers, and liberals have destroyed the public education system. The school system in some areas can do nothing but socially promote these kids who most cannot even read. WE have tried to bus kids in from the projects and ghettos to schools where the educational standard was higher. Within a short time those school where in chaos and those kids that once studied end up following those who could care less about school. We can go on and on about what we have tried to do over the last fifty years and these project areas stay the same. The people from this area can move into another area of town and before long the area looks just like the area they moved out of. We can spend millions of dollars trying to help people but it is money thrown in a open sepulcher accomplishing nothing. Those who have managed to leave the area they grew up in and start a new life with a desire to be successful are the ones who have made it. What can one expect for a youngster to come from school catch his mother in the bed with another man, a father sitting on the couch drunk out of his mind, a sister on crack cocaine. Yelling and screaming in the house using language that is so guttered it would embarrass most people. I use to ask the kids at Old Dominion why they only had a thirty word vocabulary,, Many in these Black communities thinkno one understands and most cannot spell out the real problem. They are so tribal they have to follow the leader. It is really a shame that we have sunk to this level of living, when God has been so good to us. Maybe we should take all these kids in some real poverty and they would wake up. I would love to take a group of these kids, Guatamalia, Philippines or even indonesia I am sure they would come home different.. Pass this on for me...

In My Opinion
Missionary Evangelist Dr. David N. Smeltz
The Supreme Court is going to rule on same sex marriage as law of the land. The question is, what affect will this have on society. As you look back in history most of this started in the nineties. There are fourteen counties that now accept same sex marriage. The family is taking a hit with same sex marriage. The writers of the Constitution made it clear that a marriage was between a man and woman and this step will affect religious liberty. It is very clear this is not a Supreme Court decision, it is a constitutional amendment decision. The next step will follow is religious liberty is in jeopardy. Churches will be forced to accept gay couples and pastors will be forced to marry these Sodomites. It will become a hate crime to speak against homosexuality. Religious rights, freedom of speech are at stake. The big problem with this is: the family as the Bible defines it will no longer be accepted and defined as the city of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Looking head in time, those who accept this will move on to the next step, marriage between people and animals. Our founding fathers were led by the Bible to develope a balance between right and wrong. This new generation has changed our culture and we now are moving back to the dark ages. Law's are made to protect and bring order to society. Where the rule of law is so liberal and misrepresented you will have chaos that will lead to anarchy. You are seeing this in the riots that are taking place in Baltimore and other major cities. Rights that are determined by the people are leading to chaos and destruction of private property. This is why we have a court system, but when the system is so corrupt and self serving you have rebellion. Men like Al Sharpton and the president are redefining liberty for the advancement of their own agenda. The youth of America are rebelling because of what they are hearing at home and the media. Culture change has not taken place in the ghettos of America, and when you see no way out of where you are in society you can expect chaos. Looking at Black America you are seeing over 80% of Black children born out of wed lock. The father is not represented in the home. Many families the children have different fathers. Marriage is not sacred in the Black community and is making its way to the Whites. Most hispanics are Catholic, and take marriage serious. What do we expect when we leave our roots and become more barbaric. The Black community complains that they are mistreated and the law is not fair with them. Even when they have Black leadership in control the conditions worsen. The white man continues to be blamed and the real problem is the family is not a family but woman who are no more then baby makers. The President is pushing for money and intercity development. The real problem is once money is invested in these communities you have these riots that burn up business and homes. Why is that these riots are only taking place in ghetto communities controlled by Blacks. We are not seeing riots in Russian, Italian, Spanish and other communities. It is only in the Black communities where the people do not work, but riot and steal. Why is the prison system full of Blacks. Are you telling me that all of the Blacks in prison are not guilty? With what we have seen take place in Baltimore is not new, it has been going on since the emancipation of the Black Man. Look at Africa and all of the Black ruled world, there is chaos and famine and starvation and no rule of law. I have been trying to tell America this cultural and Tribal and the only way it is going to change is when the Black community leaders change and bring discipline to their own communities. A white man cannot be a Black man and a Black man cannot be a white man. Two different cultures with two different views on life. Both are going to have to live together and learn to get along, the White man cannot change, educate, or supply free living for the Black community, and that is done by using there own resources. America thought that Barrack Obama was going to bring the country together, yet under his leadership we are worse off then what we were six years ago. The country is more divided and at war within its self under his leadership. My question is this, Why is the white man expected to provide for a group a people who in majority do not want to change. Demonstration are not opinions but rebellion against society and the rule of law. Why can't people learn to get along? The answer is simple, where their is no God or supreme guidance you can expect anarchy. One final thought. What about all the liquor and drugs that were stolen last night, where are they today?

In My Opinion
Missionary Evangelist Dr. Evangelist David N Smeltz
False hope and False Prophet
If we are going to see revival in America it is going to take something catastrophic to bring people to there knees. Jeremiah 5:3 (KJV) O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return. The people seem to be agreeing with homosexuality, transgender, abortion and other perverted way of life. We have had 911, earthquakes, storms, floods, sickness and the people refuse to look to God. We have watched ISIS behead people and the American way continues. We have been warned by Israeli leaders, and the church has turned to theater and music and compromise. People seem to be blinded by false witnesses and have little guilt about the lifestyle they live.Jude 1:4 (KJV) For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 
Yesterday another big earthquake.. do the people not understand that this could happen here. How many warning do we have to get from God. Our government leaders continue to compromise and what one man has accomplished in six years has changed the view and direction of America. We are on a collision course, and I expect it will happen before the 2016 elections. To the believers it seems the only hope is the Rapture of the Church. I believe by 2016 the church will be under so much pressure we could see martyrdom of pastors and believers. All we can do is pray and seek the Lord. I hope you will find your way to church this morning. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

In My Opinion
Something to Think about
Evangelist Dave Smeltz
If you want to see, the values of the majority of America.. Watch Braxton Family Values, This program is as Black as you can get... WE come a long way in just six years... The Reality shows are as gross as you can get. Gay's homosexuals, perverts, real Sodomites. .No wonder America is going to hell in a handbag.
These people need Jesus, but I am sure they are not interested. How long Lord Jesus until you come. Come Quickly Lord Jesus. Watch out America when ISIS gets here they will kill all the perverts...and all those who refuse Islam. Qur'an (9:111) - "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme."
I don't think they are going to bargain with anyone. No more feminist, or Black marching in the streets for rights, the rule of law will be Sharia, If you don't like it die...
Obama is converting America to a Islamic nation! I have been teaching this in churches for 8 years... Look out folks and wake up America.
The U.S. military currently has 4,500 uniformed Muslims, the Pentagon said on
July 3. It was not clear how the Pentagon identified the Muslims. The department
has not given statistics on members of other religious faiths.
In 2009, a U.S. Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, shouting “God is great,”
opened fire and killed 13 of his colleagues. Later, authorities acknowledged
that Hasan, a psychiatrist, was linked to Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
Critics have accused the administration of promoting Islam as the
preferential faith in the United States. Over the last year, a senior
adviser to the Homeland Security Department, Mohamed Elibiary, issued a
statement that said the U.S. Constitution was “Islamically compliant” and
that a Muslim caliphate was “inevitable.”
“I said America was an Islamic country not a Muslim country,” Elibiary
said in a Twitter post on June 30.
On July 3, Work attended the annual Pentagon ceremony of Iftar, or the evening dinner after a day-long fast that continues throughout the Muslim month of Ramadan. The Pentagon has been conducting the ceremony since 1998 in commemoration of Islam.
“Tonight is an opportunity for people of different faiths to come
together in the spirit of respect and tolerance to share the richness of our
beliefs and to enjoy the traditions of hospitality that are such an
important part of the Muslim community,” Work said.
The Pentagon, which hired Saudi-sponsored groups to raise awareness, has
reported the employment of 1,000 Muslims. Officials said they included
civilians and contractors for the Defense Department.
In his address, Work quoted Obama as saying that Ramadan reminded Americans of the principles of peace, justice and equality. The deputy
secretary also urged those at the Iftar to remember their responsibility to
the defense of the United States.

The Refusal to Change
If you are not careful you can read everything on Facebook and become very angry. We are living in difficult times and so many people are angry. They have lost their nation, job, financial security and have left their God. 
The only way to change things, is for the people to return to God. If the nation does not return to God you can expect some retaliation. We wondering in the wilderness, and refusing to listen to our creator. The Sodomites continue the aggression and will not bow or bend. God could use one of the most evil forces (Islam) to break the back of America. You have the evil Clintons, Obama's and one of the most naive cabinet in our history. What do you think it is going to take to change the world..?????

Proverbs 17:11 (KJV)
11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
Jeremiah 28:16 (KJV)
16 Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will cast thee from off the face of the earth: this year thou shalt die, because thou hast taught rebellion against the LORD.
People must be aware, this is rebellion, open rebellion and will not end well. The rebellion is by people who have continued to rebel against the system... they want chaos.. they have know idea what they are fighting for.. they have no cause.. just open rebellion and everyone of them need to be in prison.. unless they are stopped they will continue until they destroy the city. The riots of 68 cause tremendous damage and this city has never recovered from it. Do you actually believe they will recover from this. This is not about Freddy Gray, it is total open rebellion with one answer, stop them now and take a stand against them. Yes, we are in the end of times and Jesus could come at any is still breaks my heart to see us go back to the sixties... but we are... Obama and Eric Holder have cause all of this. Electing a Black man who causes his own people harm is sickening. Friends only God can step in, this is just the beginning, and anarchy is on its way.

In My Opinion

People, listen, what you are seeing in Baltimore is planned. This is all part of the plan of Obama and his cronies. Listen to the leaders of the city. Listen to the mayor... the problem is, we are allowing thugs and people to rise above the law. You can't shoot them, because that will cause more riots. The Black community is out of control in Baltimore. The Black leaders cannot control their own people. This is a movement of the Nation of Islam. Read my book, "The Strangling of American Liberty" check out the Black Value system.. it will open your eyes.…/…/ref=sr_1_1…

I was just thinking,
Missionary Evangelist Dr. David N. Smeltz
In some areas of the United States they have accepted Sharia law (Islamic Law) Which says, the infidel or none believer is given three choices, Accept Allah and his messenger Muhammad, if not pay the Jizya (Tax), or be killed. I was thinking this morning maybe we should offer the Gays who are pushing their agenda on us three choices. Accept the precepts of an individuals belief, pay a one million dollar tax, or leave America. It should be a matter of choice if a person wants to serve another. Our Government is so hypocritical. What is your thoughts?

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